Saturday, June 8, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness - I Squealed Like and Eight Year Old Girl

Star Trek into Darkness is an excellent movie. It has the three necessary elements of good film making; good directing, a good story and good acting. J.J. Abrams keeps up a rapid pace moving from one script element to another. The plot is multi-leveled and takes a while for the scenes to make sense. I broke my self-imposed rule and bought a 3-D ticket. Only once or twice was I so frightened by flying 3-D space junk that I squealed like an eight year old girl. Other than does two incidents 3-D was ineffective.

What was appealing about this movie was besides Kirk and Spock, the rest of the cast were given room to grow. Simon Pegg, as Scotty, plays a more heroic role aside from the usual comic relief he provides. Zoe Saldana, who plays Uhura, has more face time (and lip lock) with Spock and they get into lover’s spat; poor Spock has no clue (welcome to my world). Bones is his usual miserable self, kvetching to everyone. There is a new blond chick with a PhD who comes in handy later on. It was nice to see Peter Weller’s (his Robo Cop acting is still in tack) return to the screen; he plays Admiral Marcus of Star Fleet. Kirk is as usual impulsive, making life and death decisions on instinct and flouting the rules. No matter the outcome, these actions put him in bad stead with Star Fleet and go unappreciated by Spock even when they benefit him.  The cast has good chemistry and enjoys working together.

There are two couples on the Enterprise, Spock and Uhura and Spock and Kirk. Both quarrel and do not understand each other. It is difficult to tell which relationship frustrates Spock the most. But the bond is strong.

I cannot repeat the name of the bad guy since it will give away too much of the plot. He sounds British, but has good teeth which could be part of a disguise. He is a one man wreaking crew.  His attacks seem random at first but they come together latter in the movie.

Thankfully the Klingons are back and they are as angry, ugly and pissed off as they were on TV. Sadly their scene was brief, but hopefully in the next sequel (and there will be a sequel) they will have a larger role. There are so many Klingon jokes waiting to be launched. 

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