Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Interview

The Interview
Of course I went, I had to. This film was a product of a brofest between James Franco, Seth Rogan and other writers sitting around a table eating Cool Ranch Doritos, drinking Mountain Dew and Blitz soda and saying the word “cool” one million times. Sony had a choice between artistic freedom and stupid; they chose stupid. The guy who green lighted this film was either color blind or just blind. This is an ego movie where to mollify their stars the studio acquiesces to the film’s development. At a production budget of $44m this was a moderate bet for Sony. Not understanding or caring about the geopolitical fall out of this film rests on Sony’s shoulders. If they sought advice, they ignored it.

The movie met my expectations. It was juvenile with gratuitous violence and an abundance of overacting acting. If Franco’s horrible acting were a generator it could light up the east coast for months. Franco was so hyper he could be the poster boy for ADHD. Seth Rogan played the usual laid back lumbering dude with the basso profundo voice. Acting was not a factor since this was farce. The writing was just to get from point A to point B. Point B was assignation of Kim Jung-un and everything leading up to it was not worth the price of admission.

The point of all this is not this silly movie, but rather our right to see whatever stupid movie we want to. Our right shall not be abridged by some pudgy dictator with a bad haircut. I have written too much for this piece and paid too much to see this flick. I want a refund!

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