Saturday, March 5, 2016

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

There must be a special place in hell for people who make misleading movie trailers. This movie is falsely advertised as a Tina Fey comedy. The Tina Fey part is true, the comedy part is false. This film is a dull Afghan war correspondent movie with hints of comedy. The majority of these comedic gems can be seen for free in movie and TV ads. What is left is a listless war film without direction or heart (they needed two directors for this film, only God knows why).

Tina Fey is a news writer from New York who volunteers to go to Afghanistan as a war correspondent and stays for three years. She becomes addicted to the rush of war. All the clichés are present. She catches her fiancés being unfaithful on Skype (wait, that’s funny); there are torrid alcoholic infused parties (no Talibans were harmed in the making of this movie); casual and uncasual sex; the horrors of war, but not too many since this is a comedy.

Why do they need A listed stars to make this shlock? Margot Robbie is the camp trampoline; Billy Bob Thornton is the tough but soft hearted general; Martin Freeman is the hard drinking Scottish photo journalist who is Fay’s lover. In the Hobbit he plays Bilbo Baggins; now Bilbo having sex that’s funny! Alfred Molina plays a corrupt Afghan minister who is nearly unrecognizable with his beard and hair blending into one big mop.

So why did I go see this movie? Tina Fey is a smart and funny comedian, so I went with the brand. Too bad movies do not come with a list of ingredients.   

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