Sunday, December 17, 2017

Star Wars the Last Jedi

Star Wars the Last Jedi                                                                                               December 15, 2017

I have been doing this since 1977.The first Star Wars movie mesmerized me. I never saw special effects like that before; I watched the movie elven times. It is quite a feat for a franchise to maintain relevancy and freshness for this long. This film is as good if not better than a lot of prior ones.

Star War films are a medley of classical themes from Greek Tragedy to Shakespearian drama. This film is more operatic with its sweeping battle scenes and good verse evil drama. There is the tense student master relationship between Luke Skywalker and Rey. Adam Driver’s hulking presence imbues Klylo Ren with dark secrets. A constant in these movies is John William’s soaring music. The opening notes are so ubiquitous they are instantly recognizable. The script is excellent, it incorporates elements from earlier films and portends future episodes.  

Carrie Fisher looked tired but wise; she did a good turn. She is no longer Princes Leia but is now General Leia Organa. She was in the entire film, she completed her work before dying. Her presence in this film is important to legitimize the transition to future films. Mark Hamill’s revival as Luke Skywalker is pivotal to the film. Luke has many conflicts some dark. He is weary and heavily burdened by the past and what awaits him. He is a dominant factor of the movie
I was not enamored with Daisy Ridley in the prior film, but I feel better with her now. With her athletic body she performs action well. Her acting is a bit stiff but this is a minor distraction given the sweep of the movie.

Oscar Isaac is the new Han Solo. He is as rash and bull headed as Han but less larcenous. He has a big role in the movie and I am sure in the ones to come. John Boyega brings some humor to the part. There was always a lighted heartedness in these films. He is the romantic interest in the film, but with whom?

There is plethora of other actors; Benicio del Toro is a scoundrel (what a stretch). Laura Dern is a rebel commander with a with a challenging hairdo. I did not spot Prince William and Prince Harry, they were Strom Troopers. Hint they are tall storm Troopers.

Chewy, the franchise’s mascot, was loquacious as ever. There is a new merchandising stocking stuffer named a porgo, who needs to lay off the caffeine.  Another fantasy animal is called a crystal fox (the four-legged kind not two).

They film is doing very well in the box office, but it needs to break $800m before making a profit. Hey, with Force in your sail, that’s a chinch.

p.s.-Do not leave before the credits roll!!!

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