Sunday, December 27, 2020


WW1984 (HBO  Max)

I am having a bit of trouble writing this review. This movie has been widely anticipated but parts it are disappointing. The first Wonder Woman film in 2017 (for the rest of the review the shorthand will be WW2017) was a success on several fronts. It introduced a new superhero into the DC franchise and also  made a big push for the coveted female audience. Patty Jenkins received high praise for directing a mega hit which garnished  93% from Rotten Tomatoes and a box office of $882m (budget $140m).

WW1984 has some problems, mainly with the script and casting. The script for WW2017 had a continuous arch, the story was focused on WW I. Even when it expanded into mythology , when Diana battled Ares (God of war) the story remained coherent.

In WW1984 the script is all over the place and is over ambitious. It starts with the schemes of a lowly Ponzi con man, played by Pedro Pascal, and escalates  into an apocalyptic crisis. The premise  of the story is  based a combination of Aladdin and Midas myths. This approach is taken to absurd  levels. Even comics have to be somewhat rational.

Gal Gadot is beautiful and an effective superhero. Her character is basically a continuation of  WW2017. Aside from showing some new childhood experiences with the Amazons, Jenkins does not take this opportunity to further develop Diana’s character. How has she handled the last 66 years? It would make her character more interesting.

 Pedro Pascal is one of the villains. His performance is absolutely awful. He over acts, his mannerisms are exaggerated even his speech is annoying. He needed better directing .The other villain, villainess, is played by Kristen Wiig.  She is best known as a  comedian who played in  Bridesmaids and was a former member of SNL. She is miscast in this role. She first appears as a dorky gemologist and is transformed in to an uber villain. It just does not work. Her evil persona is forced and not convincing.

As you may recall in WW2017, Steve Treavor (Diana’s lover), played by Chris Pine, died while piloting a German aircraft filled with poison gas  and crashed  into the ocean.  As part of the WW1984 plot he is  brought back to life. His resurrection is lame. The writers lacked imagination or were just looking for an easy way out to bring Trevor back.

The film does have a lot of action although the main fighting scenes come  in the latter parts. I am not sure why they picked 1984. Some of the  outfits were hideous. Chris Pine wears the ubiquitous  Men’s Club jacket of the 80’s. Gadot looks stunning in anything. Part of Kristen Wiig’s transformation into the dark side is wearing  tacky outfits.

China is a big market for superhero movies. The producers anticipated a box office of $58m, but only realized $18m (Covid was not big factor). With most movie theaters closed in America current  box office is not a measure of success. WW84 was released on HBO Max for free. One explanation for doing this  was the producers wanted to keep the fan base in tack. WW2017 had a Rotten Tomato score of 93%, WW1984 scored 66%. There is word of WW III.

Saturday, December 26, 2020



Soul (Disney)

Soul is a “ computer-animated fantasy comedy-drama” produced by Pixar. It is absolutely wonderful. As they say it is a film for all ages. This is another Pixar gem.  It is about finding purpose in life and being true to what you want to be. Aside from these serious themes the movie is funny and the animation beautiful. Soul is in the tradition of other great Pixar movies: Toy Story, Up and Monsters Inc.

For an animated film, the story is involved. Joe Gardner is a band teacher whose passion is to be part of a jazz ensemble. He has a fatal  accident and winds up on the conveyor belt to the Great Beyond. After some adventures he meets 22 in the Great Before who is a soul looking for the spark to complete her badge of traits so she can go to earth. To complete her training 22 has been coached  by some of the great minds in history and their interaction is hilarious. Joe and 22 manage to go back to earth but wind  up in the wrong bodies and 22 inhabits Joe’s body and Joe winds up in a therapy cat. The interaction between the two is the heart of the movie.

The voice actors are first class. Jamie Foxx  voices  Joe Gardner, Tina Fay voices 22, Questlove is the drummer and Phylicia Rashard is Joe’s mother. There are these soul councilors in the Great Before all named  Jerry and one dogged accountant who keeps an accurate tally of all souls who are bound to the Great Beyond. Like Toy Story the intended audience is universal.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Midnight Sky


The Midnight Sky (Netflix)

The Midnight Sky is like getting a Christmas present  wrapped in fancy paper but when you open it you find pair of socks. The fancy wrapping paper in this case is the impressive cast. The socks is the plot. Most doomsday films end either in a cataclysm or salvation. Here the earth ends from tediousness.  

 George Clooney is the lead actor and he also directs. The astronauts are Felicity Jones, Kyle Chandler and David Oyelowo with others. In search of a habitable planet to save humanity the astronauts  journey to one of Jupiter’s moons. Sci-fi  makes up its own realities and if you want to have fun you go along with it. Here a google search makes plot seem silly. Why go to Jupiter which takes six years one way when you can go to Mars in eight months? Also Mars has soil and maybe water.

Clooney is an ailing  scientist at an Artic observatory which is being evacuated.  Later on in the empty station he finds a mysterious little girl who was accidentally  been left behind. At first she does not talk and tags along with Clooney. This is the sad  Clooney unlike the suave Ocean’s Eleven Clooney. With grey hair and grey bread he tends to mumble a bit (put on subtitles). Nothing really happens until he shoots at some wolves. In the subzero artic all of a sudden the ice breaks opens and Clooney is swimming  under water. This is an obvious hint at global warming. It seems Clooney is impervious to hypothermia.

Felicity Jones is in the spaceship returning to earth with her husband David Oyelowo. She is well into her pregnancy. NASA spends billions on rocket ships but  can’t afford a few busks for condoms. Everything is harmonies in the ship and nothing much happens  until there is a meteorite strike.  The ship survives but one crew member dies. The best special effect is seeing what blood looks like in zero gravity. It looks like red Milk Dudds.

 Clooney tells the crew not to return to earth because of the catastrophic conditions. So they turn around and make another six years journey back to Jupiter. Are they the last vestiges of humanity? The film is heavily laden with green messaging, a somberness which permeates the movie. There is an a’ha moment in the end which sort of  comes from left  base. The one green thing this film does not have is bucks. It cost $100m and so far has made $63k. The positive thing about the film, if you have Netflix you do not have to pay for it.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom


Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (Netflix)                                                                          December 20, 2020

Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom is a multi-level film. It is about the blues of the 1920’s, about race, about ambition and defiance. It is an August Wilson play of the same name and the film has the intimacy of a play. The dialogue is powerful and  emotional. It reunites actors from another August Wilson play Fences. Viola Davis, who won an Academy Award for Fences, and Denzel Washington who is a producer in Ma Rainey.

Ma Rainey was a blues singer of the 1920’s. She was not a stereotypical black woman of her time; she was a force of nature. Viola Davis plays her with defiant energy. She knew the worth of her voce and that  white producers wanted to put it on their “race records”. Davis is absolutely amazing. She is in a fat suite and with grease paint make up sporting gold teeth making her look hideous. She is the definition of sass. If her demands are not met she did not sing; it is her arrangement or nothing.

Chadwick Bosemen is the other lead who is Levee, the trumpet player. This is his last performance. To think he was being treated for colon cancer and delivered this phenomenal energetic performance is mind boggling. If he wins the Oscar it will not be out of sympathy  but for his defining performance. Levee has ambitious plans to form his own band and clashes with Ma over and their artistic differences. His inner demons are rooted in the rape of his mother as a boy and his resentment of religion for failing him. His fury results in tragedy and he destroys him.

The supporting cast is outstanding. Whereas Bosemen is in constant revolt, the rest of the band just want their money and do what Ma says. They too have their tragedies and wounds but they internalize them maintaining the accepted stereotypes of the time. The two white actors represent the record company. They put up with Ma’s demands to get her voice recorded. They pay her $200 dollars for releasing the song to the record company without royalties and  pay Levee $5 for songs he wrote. Racism does not always need a cross.

Do not see this movie because it is Chadwick Bosemen’s last film. See it for the performances of Viola Davis and Chadwick Boseman. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 99.

Thursday, December 17, 2020



Tenet (Amazon Prime)                                                                                   December  16, 2020

How do I begin? Tenet is a complex and confusing movie. Christopher Nolan’s movies such as Inception and Interstellar have intricate and challenging plots. Tenet is on a whole other level. It is sci-fi bent on itself. Nolan has been gestating this project for twenty years. There is an opening scene in Memento (2000) which is a precursor for Tenet. Time flows from the past to the future and back. As time rewinds you see people walking backwards and objects reversing themselves such as a bullet going back into the barrel of a gun. In some scenes the same characters appear as present and future versions of themselves. They use the word entropy a lot but I have no idea what it means (I was a history major). When you Google Tenet one of the choices is Tenet explained.

The title Tenet is a palindrome and is a metaphor for the fluidity of time. The title is derived from a Sator Square containing a five-word Latin palindrome with Tenet in the middle. The plot, plots, involve the CIA, a Russian oligarch, an Indian arms trafficker, an unwitting art expert, climate change and the end of the world.

Tenet was supposed to be the blockbuster of the year. Like other movies it was derailed by the Covid virus. The movie cost about  $350m (including marketing).Warner Brothers expects to loss about $50m, much because of delayed theater releases in the United States. Rotten Tomatoes gave the film a rating of 71%.  

John David Washington (Black Klansman, Denzel’s son) plays the title role. He is the protagonist  and his name in the movie is the Protagonist. The man swaggers while sitting down. He is the ultimate CIA agent, resourceful and fearless. He does yeoman’s work, but no awards here.

The femme fatal is Elizabeth Debicki, she is married to the Russian oligarch. I do not know much about her but she is 6’ 2” and has a prominent jaw line. She is very English and willowy. She has an unhappy marriage to oligarch and he blackmails her by controlling access to her son.

The villain is played by Kenneth Branagh as Andrei Sator (remember the Sator Square). When I think of Branagh I think of a classically trained Shakespearean actor or as professor Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, but not an evil Russian villain (if they wanted evil they should have cast Harvey Keitel). I think he over acts a bit by being what he is not. His pronounced Russian accent is the most menacing thing about him.

Robert Patterson plays Neil the Protagonist’s handler. They make a good team and are together for a large part of the movie. This is a bit of a departure from his Twilight series, but he has bulked up a bit and is less dewy eyed.

The international arms dealer is played by Dimple Kapadia as Priya. She only a few scenes but is a lynch pin. She is an attractive woman of a certain age and plays her role as an adroit ruthless weapons dealer. Love her name.

Michael Caine has a brief role as a British intelligence officer. It is the wittiest part of the movie and worthy of a chuckle.

The movie is filmed in various locations around the world and there are some impressive stunts. There is no sex in the movie, none, nada, zippo!

The film is on  Amazon Prime for $19.99. I saw it twice, had to. Use subtitles, the sound mix is poor.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Sound of Metal


The Sound of Metal (Amazon Prime)                                                   December 15,2020   

                        This is an art house movie, low budget with great acting. It is a story of transition from the norm to a new reality. Riz Ahmed plays Ruben Stone a hard rock metal drummer who after four years of drumming and performing with his girlfriend is losing his hearing and he eventually goes deaf. Deafness shatters his life. He goes to an otolaryngologist and is told he has lost about 80% of his hearing.  An cochlear implant would cost about $40k dollars, money he does not have. He winds up in a school/halfway house for the deaf. From here his journey into the deaf world begins.

An effective method in the film is when Stone cannot hear there is no sound or subtitles, as if the viewer is deaf also. Parts of the movie are done in sign which Stone starts to master by  attending classes with children. The gestures are expressive and beautiful.

Riz Ahmed gives an amazing performance. His deafness is catastrophic, he is shut out from the world he knows. His pathos and angst consume him. His frustration is maddening and explodes in to rage. He cannot accept his deafness and coping challenges him. His journey into deafness is the crux of the movie.

There are two other supporting characters of note. Olivia Cooke plays his girlfriend. She does not have many scenes but shows how their relationship progressively deteriorates as his deafness progresses. They still love each other even as their relationship is ending.

Paul Raci plays Joe who runs the school for the deaf. He gives a sincere performance of a person who exists and functions in the deaf world. From his perspective deafness is not a disability. His mission is for Rubin to accept his new situation and not be limited by it. Rubin’s resists to Joe’s help and they clash.

Rubin’s interaction with the deaf children at the school is tender and delightful. Rubin enjoys being with the children and he learns from them. They do not resent their deafness. Deafness is a handicap only if you make it so.

The movie is elegant and the ending is beautiful.  


Saturday, December 12, 2020



Mank (Netflix)                                                                                                                                   December 11, 2020

Mank is the diminutive for Herman Mankiewicz who along with Orson Wells co-wrote the screenplay “Citizen Kane”. The title role of Mank is played by Gary Oldman in a bravo performance reminiscent of his Oscar winning portrayal of Churchill. Mank is an acholic, compulsive gambler gadfly who cannot keep his mouth shut insulting powerful people and testing the love and affection of those close to him. Oldman delivers a masterful performance commanding all these emotions.

This film is multilayered and has some particulars of note:

·         It is in black and white. Mimicking the movies of the 30’s and 40’s.

·         It extensively uses flashback. The flashbacks here work to give background to different plot points.

·         The characters represent (with literary license) real people of the 1930’s and 1940’s. Such as Orson Wells, Louie B. Mayer, Irving Thalberg, William Randolph Hearst, Marion Davis (Hearst’s mistress) and Upton Sinclair. The film stands of its own but having some knowledge of these individuals makes the film more interesting.

There are notable supporting actors. Lily Collins plays Rita Alexander who is Mank’s secretary transcribing his  dictation for Citizen Kane while he is convalescing from a busted leg. Mank’s behavior is cantankerous but over time they become close. Marion Davis is played by Amanda Seyfried. Her performance is subtle. On the surface she is portrayed as a wide eyed platinum blond starlet but she understands the perils posed by the film. The main character in Citizen Kane is presumed to be based on Hearst and another character is based on her. Neither feel  their portrayals are flattering and they want to stop the film. Hearst is played by Charles Dance who gives a cool and dispassionate performance; he is not rattled by Mank’s tirades. Hearst embodies the raw political and capitalist power he exerts over California at that period.

Orson Wells appears  briefly in the picture but displays his trademark arrogance and perfectionist approach to film making.  The real Louie B. Mayer was a prick and he is portrayed as such. There are numerous other actors all contributing fine performances.

Mank and Orson Wells won Oscars for the screen play of Citizen Kane in 1941. Herman Mankiewicz died at the age of 55 from complications of alcohol. In the desert of videos on demand,  this an oasis worth seeing.