Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Sound of Metal


The Sound of Metal (Amazon Prime)                                                   December 15,2020   

                        This is an art house movie, low budget with great acting. It is a story of transition from the norm to a new reality. Riz Ahmed plays Ruben Stone a hard rock metal drummer who after four years of drumming and performing with his girlfriend is losing his hearing and he eventually goes deaf. Deafness shatters his life. He goes to an otolaryngologist and is told he has lost about 80% of his hearing.  An cochlear implant would cost about $40k dollars, money he does not have. He winds up in a school/halfway house for the deaf. From here his journey into the deaf world begins.

An effective method in the film is when Stone cannot hear there is no sound or subtitles, as if the viewer is deaf also. Parts of the movie are done in sign which Stone starts to master by  attending classes with children. The gestures are expressive and beautiful.

Riz Ahmed gives an amazing performance. His deafness is catastrophic, he is shut out from the world he knows. His pathos and angst consume him. His frustration is maddening and explodes in to rage. He cannot accept his deafness and coping challenges him. His journey into deafness is the crux of the movie.

There are two other supporting characters of note. Olivia Cooke plays his girlfriend. She does not have many scenes but shows how their relationship progressively deteriorates as his deafness progresses. They still love each other even as their relationship is ending.

Paul Raci plays Joe who runs the school for the deaf. He gives a sincere performance of a person who exists and functions in the deaf world. From his perspective deafness is not a disability. His mission is for Rubin to accept his new situation and not be limited by it. Rubin’s resists to Joe’s help and they clash.

Rubin’s interaction with the deaf children at the school is tender and delightful. Rubin enjoys being with the children and he learns from them. They do not resent their deafness. Deafness is a handicap only if you make it so.

The movie is elegant and the ending is beautiful.  


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