Sunday, December 26, 2021

Don’t Look Up


Don’t Look Up (Netflix)

Don’t bother. This is an example of a film with a roster of A list stars and an awful script sprinkled with over acting. The star lineup includes Leonardo Di Caprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Mark Rylance, Jonah Hill and others. The film’s premise is a life ending killer comet hurtling towards earth. This is a rehashing of a number of other doomsday sci fi films.

The film starts out as farce, meanders into political satire and back to farce. Some scenes depicted far right comet deniers  with their red baseball caps. This was a veiled reference to Trumpers.

The acting was from bad to silly. Di Caprio is the lead scientist who hyperventilates and pops Xanax. Streep is the Lady President who is more worried about the midterm elections than the comet. Laurance is chicken little and no one heeds her warning. Blanchett is flippant talk show host who ignores the scientific warning.

What a waste of talent.

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