Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Man from Uncle

The Man from Uncle

In the early 60’s I use to faithfully watch the TV show The Man from U.N.C.L.E.. It was fun, the gadgets were great, the chicks were plentiful and trying to understand the heavy Russian accented voice of Lllya Kuryakin as uttered by a Scotsman was a challenge. The geopolitics of the Cold War were lost on a thirteen year old boy, but the Russian Missile Crisis scared the crap out of me. 

The movie is set during the hot period of the Cold War. Our boys are trying to stop renegade Nazis’s from making a nuclear bomb. The USA and USSR work together with fingers crossed behind their back. The movie recreates the 60’s feeling with clothes, make up and cars. Most of the action takes place in Italy near Rome. Lots of Italian is spoken in the movie and large yellow subtitles are used, which are unnecessary for us native speakers. 

The 2015 Man from Uncle movie has little to do with the TV show aside from using the same names for the protagonists. Henry Cavell is Napoleon Solo, played by Henry Cavill, who is proto Bond; very debonair and a chick magnet. Amie Hammer plays Lllya Kuryakin. Compared to the original petite T.V. actor, Armie looks like a refrigerator with shoes. Hugh Grant plays Waverly who is the movie’s equivalent of the incomparable Leo C. Carroll. Grant comes in at the tail end of the movie with his patented grin and effortless style. The villainesses is a tall glass of water named the Countessa Victoria Vinciguerra (which in English means “wina the war”). She wore so much eye make, raccoons were jealous. The Countessa looked like Twiggy only forty pounds heavier and twelve inches taller.  The heroine is Alicia Vikander who plays a key role as Gabriella Telller. Teller is cute, smart and the lynch pin of the operation. After many false starts there is a near kiss with the shy Kuryakin (regrettably there is absolutely no sex). In the credits I noticed t David Beckham played the projectionist. I had no idea he was in the movie. Sporting too many tattoos he blended in with wallpaper.

The actors were marvelous together. In the beginning there was that American Russian distrust which evolves into coexistence, but not quite friendship. This movie is hilarious. It is an action/comedy. The audience laughed out loud more than once. The director is Guy Ritchie who has this great talent for mixing violence and comedy (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and the Sherlock Holmes films). This is a simple movie with 1960’s sensibilities. It is fun, which is good enough.


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Mission Impossible Rogue Nation

I wasn’t expecting much. After all this is another MI movie; been there done that. Also I had no desire to see a shirtless man with fifty three year old abs hanging like a salami from a post. Well, I was wrong. This is a fast paced exciting movie with new daring stunts. The plot is not convoluted and easily followed. The MI team is efficient and work well together. The film has a rich feel to it with glamorous locations. With a production cost of $150m (x 2 for distribution) the aging Tom Terrific better be terrific.

 Tom does his own stunts. For an old man that is amazing. In the trailers you see him hanging from the outside of a cargo plan as it ascends. This is real. The wind is so strong his toupee almost flew off. There is an underwater scene where he holds his breath for six minutes. Come on, what actor keep his mouth shut for that long. One stunt I do not believe he did is the motor cycle scene where Tom is racing without a helmet going so fast he has to put his knee down one inch from the ground like those crazy Italians.

Then there is Simon Pegg. He is moving up in the ranks and is the second banana in this film. He is the MI tech wizard. Besides being brilliant, but not consistent, he is very funny which is a welcomed addition to the movie .

Rebecca Ferguson is the femme fatale. She is a gymnastic beauty with endless legs. Her fighting style is formidable. She has this one move where she jumps in the air does a scissor lock around this guy’s head and smothers him with her tights on the ground. Nice way to go!  

 Jeremy Renner is unremarkable as an enabler. Towards the end there is a gun fight and he sees some action. Ving Rhames is hugh. His stunt is just getting out of a chair. Hope he makes it to the next MI. Alec Baldwin is the head of the CIA. He over acts; what a surprise.

Tom, really you did a great job. Your AARP application is in the mail.